WBI Energy Transmission, Inc. provides transportation and storage services in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. The pipeline is strategically connected to several major pipelines allowing transportation of regional natural gas supplies and is a link between Canada, the Rockies and the mid-continent area of the United States.

Current Pipeline Activities

Expansion Plans and Open Season
Bakken East Pipeline Project Non-Binding Open Season
Minot Expansion Project Open Season

Forms and Downloads
New Service

Planned Service Outage

Locations/Line Sections in Capacity Constraint/Interruption or Critical Situation
Gas DayCycleDescriptionLocationLine Section
2/18/2025TimelyWBI-Agg Storage (Withdraw) 05801-Baker Storage Field/Elk Basin Storage Field 
2/18/2025TimelyLittle Beaver - Belle Fourche  013
2/18/2025TimelyBelle Creek JCT - Landeck  014
2/18/2025TimelyBelle Fourche - Rapid City  015
2/18/2025TimelyCabin Creek - Hathaway  016
2/18/2025TimelyHathaway - Hardin  017
2/18/2025TimelyHardin - Lovell  018
2/18/2025TimelyMadden - Worland  019
2/18/2025TimelyWorland - Lovell  020
2/18/2025TimelyLovell - Elk Basin  021
2/18/2025TimelyElk Basin - Billings  022
2/18/2025TimelyBilly Creek - Sheridan  023
2/18/2025TimelyBelle Creek JCT - Manning  026
2/18/2025TimelyLandeck - Sheridan  029
2/18/2025TimelyBelle Creek JCT-Belle Fourche  033
2/18/2025TimelyGolva - Belle Creek Junction  035


Line Section Name Change 3/1/2025 - 3/15/2025
Location Change
Effective March 1, 2025, WBI Energy Transmission, Inc will be splitting Line Section 32 from the Mon-Dak Subsystem and moving it to the newly created North Bakken Subsystem. This change will make Line Section 32 its own Subsystem and will encompass the Tioga Compressor Station to NBPL-Elkhorn Creek. The following point locations will be moving from the Mon-Dak Subsystem to the North Bakken Subsystem: Delivery Points: #01374 NBPL-Elkhorn Creek (D) 12" (Rolls to Point 01375 NBPL-Elkhorn Creek (D)) #01375 NBPL-Elkhorn Creek (D) Receipt Points: #01376 NBPL-Elkhorn Creek (R) PAL Points: #07620 PAL NBPL-Elkhorn Creek The following point has been added: #06150 North Bakken Pool Please call the Scheduling Department at 701-530-1630 if you have any questions.

Intraday Bump, 2/18/2025 2/18/2025 - 2/19/2025
Critical - Intraday Bump
Gas Day: 2/18/2025, Cycle: Intraday 1. Previously scheduled quantities have been bumped during this cycle. A detailed intraday bump notice will be sent to the affected party. Penalties will apply.

Capacity Constraint, 2/18/2025 2/18/2025 - 2/19/2025
Critical - Capacity Constraint
Gas Day: 2/18/2025, Cycle: Timely. The following locations and/or line sections are in a critical situation. Penalties will be imposed at the following locations and/or all locations within the line sections: Line Section(s): 013 Little Beaver - Belle Fourche; Capacity Constraint 015 Belle Fourche - Rapid City; Capacity Constraint 014 Belle Creek JCT - Landeck; Capacity Constraint 023 Billy Creek - Sheridan; Capacity Constraint 026 Belle Creek JCT - Manning; Capacity Constraint 029 Landeck - Sheridan; Capacity Constraint 033 Belle Creek JCT-Belle Fourche; Capacity Constraint 035 Golva - Belle Creek Junction; Capacity Constraint 016 Cabin Creek - Hathaway; Capacity Constraint 017 Hathaway - Hardin; Capacity Constraint 018 Hardin - Lovell; Capacity Constraint 019 Madden - Worland; Capacity Constraint 020 Worland - Lovell; Capacity Constraint 021 Lovell - Elk Basin; Capacity Constraint 022 Elk Basin - Billings; Capacity Constraint Location(s): 05800 WBI-Agg Storage (Inject)-Baker Storage Field/Elk Basin Storage Field; Capacity Constraint

Capacity Constraint, 2/17/2025 2/17/2025 - 2/18/2025
Critical - Capacity Constraint
Gas Day: 2/17/2025, Cycle: Timely. The following locations and/or line sections are in a critical situation. Penalties will be imposed at the following locations and/or all locations within the line sections: Line Section(s): 003 Bismarck - Cleveland; Capacity Constraint 004 Cleveland - Grafton; Capacity Constraint 024 Cleveland - Mapleton; Capacity Constraint 031 Felton - Mapleton; Capacity Constraint 034 Mapleton - Wahpeton; Capacity Constraint 016 Cabin Creek - Hathaway; Capacity Constraint 017 Hathaway - Hardin; Capacity Constraint 018 Hardin - Lovell; Capacity Constraint 019 Madden - Worland; Capacity Constraint 020 Worland - Lovell; Capacity Constraint 021 Lovell - Elk Basin; Capacity Constraint 022 Elk Basin - Billings; Capacity Constraint Location(s): 03365 TIGT-Bridger (D); Capacity Constraint 05801 WBI-Agg Storage (Withdraw)-Baker Storage Field; Capacity Constraint

Capacity Constraint Lifted, 2/17/2025 2/17/2025 - 2/18/2025
Critical - Capacity Constraint
Gas Day: 2/17/2025, Cycle: Evening. The following locations and/or line sections have been lifted from a critical situation. Location(s): 03365 TIGT-Bridger (D); Capacity Constraint

Force Majeure - Cleveland Compressor Station 2/16/2025 - 2/18/2025
Critical - Force Majeure
***Update*** Repairs have been completed related to Unplanned Service Outage Notice ID 3469. ****************************************************************** This posting is in addition to Unplanned Service Outage Notice ID 3469. WBI Energy Transmission is declaring a Force Majeure event pursuant to WBI Energy's FERC Gas Tariff, Section 25 of the General Terms and Conditions. The Reservation Charge Crediting as outlined in Section 5.2.1 of the applicable Rate Schedule(S) shall apply to this outage.

Change to WBI's Integrated System 2/13/2025 - 3/1/2025
Location Change
The following point has been added: #05226 BHGG- Wild Horse Creek (R) The following point will be active on 3/1/2025: #06150 North Bakken Pool

Extreme Cold Weather - EXTENDED 2/6/2025 - 2/20/2025
Critical - Weather Alert
Due to the extreme cold weather forecasted across WBIs System associated with Notice ID 7624, WBI requests that all customers manage their deliveries to not exceed the nominations equivalent hourly rate. All capacities are subject to change based on weather, nominations and pipeline demand. Information will be updated in the event conditions change. ****************************************************************** Extreme cold weather is expected through Thursday, February 20, on WBI Energy's integrated and non-integrated transmission systems. Due to these conditions, WBI Energy is expecting all scheduled quantities and physical flows on both supply and demand to match. Shippers and operators should review all scheduled quantity reports for all cycles during this time. Receipt point operators should factor in freeze offs and other cold weather conditions as necessary when confirming scheduled quantities. When necessary, WBI will issue underperformance reductions to those shippers not flowing their scheduled quantities. Physical takes at all delivery points will be limited to scheduled quantities. WBI Energy is expecting all operators, shippers, and end users to continuously manage their supply and takes during this time due to the inability of WBI Energy to handle any significant fluctuations due to limited line pack and storage volumes. ****************************************************************** Extreme cold weather is expected through Friday, February 14, on WBI Energy's integrated and non-integrated transmission systems. Due to these conditions, WBI Energy is expecting all scheduled quantities and physical flows on both supply and demand to match. Shippers and operators should review all scheduled quantity reports for all cycles during this time. Receipt point operators should factor in freeze offs and other cold weather conditions as necessary when confirming scheduled quantities. When necessary, WBI will issue underperformance reductions to those shippers not flowing their scheduled quantities. Physical takes at all delivery points will be limited to scheduled quantities. WBI Energy is expecting all operators, shippers, and end users to continuously manage their supply and takes during this time due to the inability of WBI Energy to handle any significant fluctuations due to limited line pack and storage volumes.

Heating Districts 2/3/2025 - 3/2/2025
The Heating District list has been updated effective February 1, 2025, to reflect the following: Deleted Heating District: #34 Badlands Plant, GQ Source ID 351. This is now part of #18. Updated Heating District/Location Description: #18 Baker Compressor Station  Marmarth Bowman Transfer (Montana Accounts) #18 Baker Compressor Station  Marmarth Bowman Transfer (North Dakota Accounts) Please reference the customer website under Informational Postings, Gas Quality, Heating Districts page for further heating district information and an updated Heating District Map.

Right of First Refusal 1/31/2025 - 3/1/2025
Critical - Other
Pursuant to Section 23.4.1 of WBI Energy Transmission's FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1 (Tariff), the following capacity will be available on November 1, 2025. Bids for this capacity must be submitted within thirty (30) days of this posting in accordance with the procedures specified in Subsection 23.4.2 and 23.4.3 of the Tariff. Interested parties may submit bids electronically via the Customer Activities/Uncommitted Capacity/Uncommitted Capacity Req/Bid link. Such capacity is posted as Request No. 1256. Bidding will close with the close of business on March 1, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Contracts Department at 701-530-1630 or Leif Mattson at 701-530-1513. Path/Qty: Rec: 00980 Lignite Plant (R) Del: 01036 NBPL-Charbonneau (D) Qty: 3,500 dkt/d

WBI Energy 2025 Holiday Office Hours 12/31/2024 - 1/2/2026
Customer Services Update
WBI Energy Transmission's office will be closed the following holidays: January 1, 2025 New Year's Day January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day February 17, 2025 President's Day May 26, 2025 Memorial Day July 4, 2025 Independence Day September 1, 2025 Labor Day November 11, 2025 Veteran's Day November 27 & 28, 2025 Thanksgiving December 24 & 25, 2025 Christmas Nominations staff will continue to be available for all nomination cycles. For scheduling questions, please contact the nomination staff at 701-530-1630

Elk Basin Stg-Worland Constraints 10/14/2024 - 4/1/2025
Pipeline Conditions
Based upon recent and anticipated withdrawal quantities out of the Elk Basin Storage Field, WBI Transmission is nearing the minimum Interruptible Storage working gas levels at the Elk Basin Storage Field. It is anticipated that both interruptible storage withdrawals and non-primary firm and interruptible transportation services may be impacted due to transmission and storage constraints affecting gas moving from eastern supply points to delivery points in the Worland Subsystem. If you have any questions, please contact the scheduling department at 701-530-1630 or Nancy Senger at 701-530-1585.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please e-mail Market Services.
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