- Detail
TSP/TSP Name: 131537896 - WBI Energy Transmission, Inc.
Notice ID: 4974
Notice Type: Oper Alert
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Post D/T: 6/3/2019 @ 1:56 PM
Notice Eff D/T: 6/3/2019 @ 1:56 PM
Notice End D/T: 10/1/2019 @ 5:00 PM
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:

Subject: Line Sections 7, 25 & 30 - Receipt Point OFO Watch
Notice Text: Due to the amount of receipt gas being nominated from receipt points in Line Sections 7, 25 and 30, it is critical that the physical flow from ALL receipt points match the daily scheduled quantities. During times of allocation or curtailment, WBI Energy is unable to take any extra gas at receipt points. The physical flow must also be maintained on an evenly hourly flow. Shippers and operators should review their scheduled quantity reports for all cycles to ensure that physical flow matches scheduled quantities. Shippers are expected to nominate the receipt point(s) anticipated flow.

If the scheduled quantities do not equal the physical receipts for the gas day and WBI Energy does not receive full cooperation through the normal scheduling process, it may be necessary for WBI Energy to issue an OFO to such affected Parties. Such issuance of an OFO, if necessary, would permit WBI Energy to take whatever actions necessary to maintain system integrity.

If, however, any receipt point operator does have an extenuating circumstance on maintaining the scheduled quantity or evenly hourly flow, such request must be communicated to WBI Energy PRIOR to gas flowing to see if an adjustment can be operationally handled. Such requests must be communicated to WBI Energy even if there are no allocations or curtailments. If flows do differ and have not been approved, WBI Energy will take the necessary actions to ensure that system integrity is maintained and other receipt point volumes are not affected.

In addition, all deliveries in the curtailed line sections must also match scheduled quantities to ensure the Line Section remain in balance.

*** All references to Time are stated for the Central Time Zone.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please e-mail Market Services.
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