Pooling Parties

Svc Req NameSvc Req K
ARM Energy Management, LLC PR-149
Basin Electric Power Cooperative PR-152
BP Energy Company PR-104
Citigroup Energy Inc PR-150
Commercial Energy of Montana, Inc. PR-145
Concord Energy LLC PR-112
CHS Inc. PR-120
Dakota Gasification Company PR-153
Devlar Energy Marketing, LLC PR-137
DXT Commodities North America Inc PR-154
Koch Energy Services, LLC PR-151
Macquarie Energy LLC PR-131
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. PR-100
Nesson Gathering System, LLC PR-142
Nielson Energy, Inc. PR-117
NJR Energy Services Company PR-147
Phillips 66 Company PR-119
Rainbow Gas Company PR-101
Sequent Energy Management LLC PR-133
Tenaska Gas Storage, LLC PR-146
Tenaska Marketing Ventures PR-110
Tharaldson Ethanol Plant I, LLC PR-140
Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC PR-107
United Energy Trading, LLC PR-138

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